
【FAQ】FAQ49补充 关于测试中的建筑和技能的详细说明


  How far in tech is the dark pylon cloak?

  All 3 abilities are available right when the Dark Pylon is created.



  Can dark pylons be used as a warp-in end that gives energy to your HT's?

  Sneaking a cloacked probe and placing a pylon in the back of the enemy base for warp-ins and hidden cannons sounds like fun ^^

  Yup, everything a Pylon can do, a Dark Pylon can do better :) but of course at a cost.




  According to the new Q&A both terrans and protoss got energy-dependent economy boosts, the zerg doesnt. instead the zerg gained a boost in unit construction time (i.e. queen spawns 4 mutant larvae). one implication i can see is that it further underlines that zerg needs to expand quickly, and they can maintain numeric advantage as long as they manage their expansions well.

  I'd like to see what more experienced players can forsee besides this, gameplay-wise.

  Spawning larva also costs energy (currently 25) and time.



  Are queens still unique? What about motherships?

  What tier are the lurkers? Are they still late-game units?

  Are hydralisks still better anti-air than anti-ground? What are their damage stats?

  1) Neither are unique.

  2) Lurkers are tier 3. The Lurker Den requires a Hive. Banelings are much better for earlier AoE, and Lurkers are a good siege type unit in addition to its previous uses. They have a range of 9 which outranges Protoss cannons and have an attack of 15 15 to armored (including buildings).

  3) Hydralisks are still slightly better against air, with air to ground attack stats of 10 6 armored and ground to ground attack stats of 10, both with range 6.




  1 都不是唯一了。

  2 地刺是3级科技。地刺巢需要三本。毒虫早期做范围伤害更好,而地刺除了以前的作用,现在更适合作为攻城单位。他们具有9点射程,这已经超过了神族的炮台,而攻击提升到了15+15对重甲(包括建筑)

  3 刺蛇依然擅长对空,对空攻击数据是10+6对重甲,地对地攻击数据是10,射程均为6。

  Can the mule defend itself?

  Yes. It currently has the same attack value as a SCV.



  Can the drop pod be placed anywhere with line-of-sight, leading to the mule being used as a scout?

  Yes, this can be quite helpful in some circumstances. Originally, each drop ship spawned 3 Mules, but it became a bit too advantageous in scouting 3 places at once.



  Does razor swarm damage both ground and air? What about friendlies?

  It does currently damage both ground and air, but not friendly units.



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