【FAQ】FAQ49补充 关于测试中的建筑和技能的详细说明
Is there anything that would prevent you from offensively dropping mules in the thick of battle? (For example it *might* be useful to drop near units that would then cause things like siege tanks to attack them and while ultimately leading to a very short lifespan for the mule, could lead to splashing a player's own units with damage) This is theoretically possible, but the animation of the drop pod that hits the ground is a bit long (roughly 5-10 seconds), so it isn't like an instant drop. 有没有啥办法可以保护你不被恶心的空降拖拉机进战场所干扰?(比如说他们或许可以空降在一些单位旁边,然后攻城坦克在攻击这些拖拉机的时候就会发生误伤,拖拉机本身存活时间很短,但是却让敌人自己的单位收到了伤害) 理论上的确可行,但是空降仓的下落动画很长(大概5-10秒吧),所以说不是瞬间扔下来的。 Also, Karune, does that then mean that these larva do not cost supply? If that is the case then another advantage over a hatchery is if you mess up and forget to build enough ovies (or you just had a bunch of ovies get sniped), then instead of having to wait for more ovies, you can build mutant larva and not lose unit making time in the end. They do not cost supply, they are just normal larva. The concept of Mutant Larva with timed life seemed more tedious and much harder to grasp in gameplay than the current reincarnation, which has definitely sat much better with the team and testers. 好吧,卡肉同学,这是不是意味着那些额外的幼虫不消耗人口?这样虫族又多了一个优势:当你忘了补领主或是刚有一队领主被灭时,无需等待领主孵化即可立即补充单位。 额外的幼虫不消耗人口,它们只是普通的幼虫。变异幼虫在游戏中太难平衡已经被现有机制替换掉了。 Was the new infestor art looking so much like a Reaver done on purpose? Maybe a joke to all the guys asking to put the reaver back? The Infestor has a completely new model different than the Reaver, but does coincidentally have the same shape as a Reaver. Don't forget, Reavers will still be seen in single player as well as the map editor. 新的感染者设定也忒像金甲虫了吧?这不是告诉大家伙你们要把金甲虫拿回来吧? 感染者是与金甲虫完全不同的新模型,但是体型上确实和金甲虫差不多。别忘了,在单人战役和地图编辑器里还能看见金甲虫呢。 Terran and protoss now have abilities to both increase they're income temporarily (mules dark pylon) as well as abilities to increase they're offensive production (reactor warp gates). Zergs only have a production ability (mutate larvae). Are zergs getting something to fill the temporary income role? Or is the mutate larvae supposed to just pump drones to make up for that? Being able to spawn additional larva can potentially help Zerg production quite a bit actually. Prior, when a Zerg player hatched offensive units, they were always sacrificing the creation of more drones. This ability allows more bandwidth to create even more offensive units for a big push, build more balanced with more drones and additional units, or double up on the teching effort with all drones. There are a lot of options to play with that will surely inspire many new strategies. 人族和神族都能靠新东西增加收入了,而且还有恶心的生产方式(传送门,反应堆)。虫族只有一个生产技能(编译蠕虫)虫族有啥新东西增加收入么?还是说直接加强农民来平衡? 符合额外幼虫已经能够完全的满足虫族的军事和资源生产了。当一个虫族玩家多造部队的时候,他就不能多造农民。新的技能即允许你造更多的部队去大举进攻,也可以生产军事两不误,还可以全用来出农民大力挣钱。有更多的选择,衍生出更多的战术。